Is it any wonder that we feel lost sometimes? Life is hard. Relationships are complicated. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, there seems to be something internally wrong with us too. Sometimes this battle within goes unnoticed, like a car engine that is running smoothly. But then, whatever’s inside that needs repairs or attention will begin to rattle, smoke and make funny noises and the check engine light will come on. We might get depressed, make out-of-character or out-of-control choices, have worries that we just can’t shake, get angry, isolate or explode. Of course it’s different for all of us – this “check engine light” – but nonetheless it’s there.
If any of this describes you, please hear us say “It’s normal.” And “it’s healthy…kind of like a fever and chills are healthy”. These are symptoms and signals that we need to stop, ask for direction, or have a look under the hood. Otherwise, we might just stay lost or broken down when life with peace, purpose, and passion could be ours. That’s where we, at from Within, can help.
Parent Counseling